BelAmiOnline: Oscar Scholz

Oscar Scholz was the BelAmiOnline featured model of the week recently, making his first solo appearance here on the site. While Oscar may not have the movie star good looks of some models or the fantastic body of some of the others, there is something more than a little magical about him, some aura of sexiness and availability, the promise of being a bad boy in bed or maybe it is his infectious good mood, he certainly found his place in the core of their new team and we will be seeing quite a bit more of him as time progresses.

| Want to see more of Oscar? Click here |

BelAmiOnline: John Leto

Today John Leto who makes his first appearance as BelAmiOnline model of the week. As they say, there is no rest for the wicked (or the wickedly cute in this case) as John jumps straight in front of the camera after a long, 6-hour train ride from central Slovakia down to meet the photo crew in Budapest. Despite this, he is still full of his usual smiles and charm throughout the session. He’s quite a hottie!

| Want to see more of John? Click here |